The towering trend reached new heights with the release of Divergent. Divergent is a 2014 American dystopian science fiction action film directed by Neil Burger, based on the 2011 novel of the same name by Veronica Roth.The film is the first installment in The Divergent Series and was produced by Lucy Fisher, Pouya Shahbazian, and Douglas Wick, with a screenplay by Evan Daugherty and Vanessa Taylor. Stop hovering over your kid. Branden Stall for Looper. People are described as neurodiverse when their thought patterns, behaviors, or learning styles fall outside of what is considered "normal," or neurotypical. Zoë Kravitz. differing from each other or from a standard. answer this. What is fours real name in divergent? - Answers Dauntless-black clothing, jump from trains, pierced, tattooed. Divergent - Rotten Tomatoes About y/n Y/n's fraction before the test is Abnegation Y/n has a brother, Caleb Y/n's parents are Andrew and Natalie Prior. Show activity on this post. Question: Which is Four's real name in the Divergent series? The transfer initiates get _____ in order to fit in. Divergent - Foreshadowing/Flashbacks 10. It's just an unfortunate coincidence that the analrapist shares the same name. Burger gave his blunt thoughts on if the fourth film would ever happen. b : differing from each other or from a standard the divergent . In the book Divergent by Veronica Roth, each person is assigned a faction. Neurodivergent: What Are the Signs of Neurodiversity? Title: Divergent Series: Divergent (Book #1) Author: Veronica Roth Genre: YA/ Dystopian Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books Release Date: April 25, 2011 Format: Hardcover Pages: 487 Source: Owned My Rating: ★★★★☆ Description: In Beatrice Prior's dystopian Chicago world, society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue—Candor (the honest .