I've just installing VSCode 1.1.1 and try to put a comment in an new html file To do so, your new file must be,first, save in .html format and after that, you can use CTRL-K CTRL-C to put a comment and it works. Formatting Code in Visual Studio can be done using the Keyboard shortcuts as below. Here's a short list of a few important shortcuts that appear more frequently. It's Alt+Shift+F for me. So, if you are trying to write your HTML using Sublime Text editor then follow these steps to integrate a HTML formatter plugin. ctrl+N : Opens a new empty file. 42 VS Code Shortcuts for Boosting Your Productivity - SitePoint I tried many things to fix this issue by . I usually use the keyboard shortcut Option + Shift + F to format the code. shortcut for doctype html visual studio code code example Simply type ! Or you can take a printout of all the default VS Code keyboard shortcuts from here.You can get the official dart custom shortcut list from here and flutter vs code extension . Creating Snippets in Visual Studio Code. Here's how to do it: how to format html code in visual studio code. In the options on the left, select Extensions, then Emmet. vscode. To format a range, in an already opened project, open the document that you want to modify, select the specific range to format, right-click, and select Format Selection. Some of the most useful shortcuts are: .class //<div class="class"></div> .title //<div class="title"></div> a{Click me} //<a href="">Click me</a> ctrl+, : Opens settings. You can the see the shortcut key combo right next to the Format Document option. HTML Format for Visual Studio Code Formats HTML documents by auto-indenting, wrapping and removing unnecessary whitespace while preserving newlines. In this guide when you see Ctrl+K Ctrl+S it's the same as Ctrl+K, then S. In this case "S" key is the second key of chord. Welcome Screen 4 mins. Preview. File Management. Html - vscode-docs Shortcuts for various OSes: VSCode on Windows - Shift + Alt + F VSCode on MacOS - Shift + Alt + F VSCode on Ubuntu - Ctrl + Alt + I. Shortcuts and Keymaps — How to Python in VS Code documentation the upper 3 ways don't work for Javascript & JSON after vscode v0.10.10, but you can still format CSS and HTML.