Here are seven foods beyond meat that will deliver the protein you need: Quinoa: Each half-cup of quinoa contains four grams of complete protein, and it's a good source of fiber (and is gluten-free). Trusted Source. Slow-Cooker Creamy Lentil Soup Freezer Pack. Vegetarian Dishes with Complete Protein Grains with Legumes Rice with lentils Rice with black-eye peas Peanut butter sandwich (on whole wheat bread) Bean taco or tostada Split-pea soup with brown rice Macaroni with enriched soy flour Vegetable chili with cornbread Bean soup with breadsticks Falafel (chickpea pancake) with pita bread Directions: Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. and spray a large baking pan with nonstick cooking spray (or use a paper towel to coat the inside of the pan with a thin layer of olive oil). At one time, scientists believed that those who followed a vegan diet, which limits most sources of complete proteins, had to carefully combine certain foods at each meal to make a complete protein. Consuming a few servings of higher lysine foods . Fall Quinoa Salad. ½ cup lentils + 1 cup steamed broccoli = 12 grams. Yet, this one is not quite complete and needs to be mixed with a lysine-rich product to really make it shine. 1 cup cooked buckwheat + 1 ounce almonds = 11 grams. Protein | The Vegetarian Society Cleveland Clinic What Is Complete Protein? - EcoWatch. Best Combinations for Complete Vegetarian Protein : vegan Vegetarians - Purdue Extension 22+ Easy Vegan Sandwiches For Lunch - Nutriciously Mermaid Veggie Sushi Bowls: These customizable rice bowls will be a hit with whoever you're cooking for. This salad is just perfect for lunch. Hemp is a high-quality vegan proteinproving 11 grams of proteinper 30 grams ( 2-3 tablespoons). This protein is well absorbed and utilized by the body. Easy to remember! The bioavailability of protein (lower in essential amino acids) may be lower in some . Combine Grains and Legumes. As you can imagine, there are many kinds of seeds and nearly all of them are great sources of protein and nutrition. 7 Vegetarian-Friendly Complete Proteins That Aren't Tofu 2. Is Tofu a Complete Protein? Plant-Based Protein Is in So Many Foods ). serving, ground, 85 percent lean, broiled) Chicken ( 24 g per 3-oz. Group One + Group Two. Barley and lentils Oatmeal and soy milk Brown rice and beans Boost protein in any vegetarian dish with a handful of legumes (including beans), nuts, seeds or whole grains. Plant-Based Protein Powders (hemp, pea, brown rice, cranberry bean, soy, etc . In a large . The best way to consume complete proteins that provide you with the essential amino acids that you need is to combine two plant-based protein groups. Combine Grains and Nuts/Seeds. But first, let's back up a step. Although nutritionists once counseled vegetarians to eat complementary proteins to make sure you get proper nutrition, you don't have to combine foods to get enough protein in a vegetarian diet. Protein complementation is when you combine two vegetable proteins (legumes and grains for an example) to get all 9 amino acids that are essential for your body. The 18 Best Protein Sources for Vegans and Vegetarians