Support for the experimental syntax 'jsx' isn't currently enabled, added it to plugins and still doesn't work So I've forked a project in order to add some additional features it didn't have. Experimental support for decorators is a feature that is subject to change in a future release. It will mark top-level React method calls as pure for tree shaking. [Fixed] SyntaxError: Support for the experimental syntax 'jsx' isn't ... Then you need to create a .babelrc file in your src folder and paste the following content in it: After this, you can run npm run dev again. Babel throwing Support for the experimental syntax 'jsx' isn't currently enabled. This is the structure of my small project: My html file Reactjs. React native project 2, Failed to compile, Error: 'Support for the experimental syntax 'jsx' isn't currently enabled (7:7)' Ask Question Asked 1 year, 3 months ago Syntax only. $ bin/rails g webpacker:install:react. It's unclear why you started to use jest command instead of react-scripts.react-scripts test uses pre-configured Jest setup. react - Kev's Development Toolbox plugin - React native project 2, Failed to compile, Error: 'Support for ... support for the experimental syntax 'jsx' isn't currently enabled jest ... I'm trying to run very simple code, but I'm getting an error, I didn't use the create react app! 1.3 Solution 3 : Add the command. Now all that's left to do is updating the Webpack config file. How do I fix support for the experimental syntax ... - CodeProject My html file. 1.1 Solution 1 : Create a .babelrc file. boolean, defaults to true. Webpack+BabelでReactの環境構築時に"Support for the experimental syntax 'jsx' isn't currently enabled"が出たときの解消メモ SyntaxError: CellComponent.test.js: Support for the experimental syntax 'jsx' isn't currently enabled (7:34): and then this recommendation at the end: Add @babel/preset-react ( to the 'presets' section of your Babel config to enable transformation.