PDF Public Health Travel Declaration Form EU Digital Passenger Locator Form (dPLF) Tourismus in Spanien | Touristeninformation in Spanien | spain.info auf ... Each form is personal and non-transferable, and it is valid for the linked trip. 11 months. Information that travellers provide in PLFs can be used by . Level 4 will no longer be based on COVID-19 incidence or case count alone. Welcome to the Spain Travel Health portal! Luckily, iVisa.com doesn't need more than the essential items to get down to business and help you get your Health Declaration to visit Spain during the coronavirus outbreak. Füllen Sie Ihr Reisegesundheitsformular vor der Reise nach Spanien aus. This app: * Fill in your health form * Get your QR code, 48 hours before your date of arrival to Spain * Manage your QR & show it when you arrive at the airport control Everybody travelling to. Deutsch . 3. Spain Travel Health Wichtig ist, dass sie vor Beginn des Prozesses einige persönliche zurechtlegen, sodass das Ausfüllen des Formulars schnell und ohne Komplikationen vonstattengeht. - Get your QR code, 48 hours before your date of arrival to Spain. Anyone travelling to Spain must complete a separate form. Gegebenenfalls auftretende technische Probleme bei der Registrierung über das Spain Travel Health-Portal senden Sie The Health Declaration was designed with the purpose of reducing the spread of coronavirus amongst Spanish citizens and travelers to Spain. The France Travel Certificate is a travel document required for all travelers who wish to visit France. Travel and COVID-19. Das Einreise Spanien ist das Dokument, das die spanische Regierung als obligatorisch für alle Personen, die nach Spanien einreisen, eingeführt hat.