If you want to make use of Suspense, jotai is the one. Redux and their thunks gave me that in a pretty easy way - but there were a lot of boilerplate you had to work around. Your list of "flummox / redux / unstated / mobx / mobx-state-tree / xstate / apollo / apollo-link-state / swr / react-query / zustand / recoil / jotai" seems to peak at 500k with the exception of "react-query", which I don't really see as applicable to a conversation about state management. Redux — Jotai, primitive and flexible state management for React Redux vs Zustand | What are the differences? - StackShare Redux: Predictable state container for JavaScript apps. The two atomic libraries are Recoil and Jotai. Using something like a Symbol for the type value or using instanceof checks for actions themselves would break that. Kenil Vaghasiya Obsessed Vs. So, what has been your experience with Jotai vs redux and/or … Candidati . Overall, this list perfectly illustrates my point that there's new stuff but you don't … … Redux provides a store interface that can be used to store some values and … IT Talent Factory è un’accademia che nasce dalla collaborazione tra sviluppatori, recruiter e psicologi del lavoro … t … 00:46 235. The major difference is the state model. Zustand is a single store (although you could create multiple separate stores), while Jotai consists of primitive atoms and allows composing them together. In this sense, it's the matter of programming mental model.