To complete the tutorial, you must have: An alwaysAI account (it's free!) Jetson Xavier NX Developer Kit with JetPack 4.4 or newer (Ubuntu 18.04 aarch64). Real-time hand pose estimation and gesture classification using TensorRT. UHS I/II High Speed microSD Card (64GB/32GB) 4. It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community. Using Pose Estimation on the Jetson Nano with alwaysAI Before we get started, make sure jetson-inference project is set up. reComputer Jetson Nano is a hand-size edge AI box built with Jetson Nano module, rich set of IOs, aluminium case, cooling fan, pre-installed JetPack System, ready for your next AI application development and deployment. . You can get started immediately by following the Jupyter Notebook live demo (see the README). Jetson Nano Development Kit for AI and Robotics - Seeed Studio JetCam - An easy to use Python camera interface for NVIDIA Jetson. Research Scientist - 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation Training scripts to train on any keypoint task data in MSCOCO format. The Top 4 Pose Estimation Jetson Nano Open Source Projects on Github Training Pose Estimation from Simulation in Docker Using Pose Estimation on the Jetson Nano with alwaysAI Many models, including those for pose estimation, may have much better performance when run on a GPU rather than a CPU. This makes it easy to detect features like left_eye, left_elbow, right_ankle, etc. Mount the Jetson Nano. jetson nano pose estimation - Application Programming Interfaces 120. See the Change Log for the latest updates and new features. In this tutorial, we'll cover how to run pose estimation on the Jetson Nano B01 and cover some nuances of running starter apps on this edge device.