One of the constructors of this class accepts an object of the class PdfDocument. The next arguments are left, right, top and bottom margins respectively. C# (CSharp) iTextSharp.text.pdf PdfCopy - 30 examples found. After that, we will create a writer that listens to the document. iText library helps in dynamically generating the .pdf files from Java applications.. How to Print PDF file Programatically using C# code Create PDF Document with iText in Java - Memorynotfound Create a document. These are the top rated real world C# (CSharp) examples of iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfCopy extracted from open source projects. You can rate examples to help us improve the quality of examples. As the project's summary page on SourceForge states, iText " . GitHub - itext/itext7-dotnet: iText 7 for .NET is the .NET version of ... HTML file to PDF. . iTextSharp - Add image to page header Once that is done, we need to add a reference to it by clicking Project->Add Reference->iTextSharp.dll. Get the number of pages in pdf. How to get page size of pdf document iText 7 - Stack Overflow Our award-winning PSA brings your entire TSP . iText Tutorial: Convert Data To PDF Report Using Java & iText iText is a Java PDF library used for creating and manipulating PDF documents by developing Java programs. How to create a document with unequal page sizes? iText - Tiling PDF Pages. PdfPage page = pdf.addNewPage (pagesize3x5); Once you have this page, you can use it to create a PdfCanvas instance to which you can add content using low-level methods.