3 - Blood, pus, yellow liquid, etc flowing from any part of the body. . Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters, As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. Answer (1 of 8): Easily halal (allowed) to kiss one's spouse whichever way they like. Ibn Muflih (may Allaah have mercy on him) has explained an important point which is that there should be no kissing on the mouth, rather it should be on the cheek or head, because kissing the mouth has to do with desire, not the kissing of emotion such as that of a father or brother. I would not have kissed you. I do the same, but I add another tar paper wrap loosely around the hive and a tar paper cover on top. When I intially read the title of the article, "I feel Ill Because Man Kissed My Wife," I the man had had "french kissed", slobbed her down and had his tongue down her throat. Ruling on kissing one's wife's mother - Islam Question & Answer 344.8K views | original sound - Amariz Karina Answer: Kissing keep a lot of meanings, If the wife and husband are kissing ,ist they are legally and not forbidden for them,if they kiss cheeks to turn happy and laught,i think wudu couldn't break, If they are kissing like they feel sex and get loss some drops its mean wudu break, Other peopl. The Sunnah of Love - Islam for Muslims - Nigeria I understand you are trying to be considerate but let the truth be said even ones that have all the money in the world still show these acts. The muezzin said he saw the accused offering the Sunnah . 12 Important Things of Wedding Nights in Islam Love. She loved her father more than she loved any other human. . Law kiss is recommended. Yes, but only between wife and husband who are licitly marriedper Islam religion and in private and not in Public. Seven tips from the Sunnah on how to make your wife Happy The third eye chakra is considered to be the gateway to your soul, and is located in the middle of the forehead. This is clear to anyone who thinks about it. He thus referred to the cleanliness of both the partners. 1. happy SOUL / wife feel it is worth the ALMS and was part of the (example) Sunnah (Hikmah alhadist). Answer. He called them with sweet nicknames to make them feel special like 'Humaira' for Aisha (RA). Kissing between close relations, such as a female and her father, brother, grandfather, uncle, etc is considered Halal, however this does not include kissing on the lips. Kissing and Playing — Women of Sunnah Love. Ruling on standing up for who comes in, and kissing him