One wife responded by criticizing that laundry hasn’t been done. I don’t want to do it really. Don’t get the idea I’m constantly looking for perfection, I’m not that kind of person. I Hate My Husband: What To Do When Your Husband Disgusts You And, if we’re again honest with ourselves . But stressful circumstances can often make strangers of lovers and best friends. Although the gaming is a recent thing the relationship has been rubbish for a long time; everything seems a battle and now my eldest is old enough to pick up on things (well, it's not … The investigation into what actually happened has been going on since Nov 28. sounds like my husband of 21years, now that kids are raised and i have a minute of time, he has become a stalking, needy toddler. i don't like my husband as a person - Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You dislike your husband because you’re thinking a thought that’s creating in you a feeling of dislike towards him. I don’t I felt like this in my first marriage, that I did not deserve to be with him. Answer (1 of 9): People are gonna tell you that you should learn to get used to the dog and you'll learn to love it, etc. Archived. Answer (1 of 8): I have a son i love with my whole heart. Samantha Rodman Whiten — February 27, 2015. But if your husband isn’t displaying Christian character, it is right to question it. 3. I took a month off and felt amazing. I really hate my husband and seriously wish he would just leave everyday but when he is around I don't let him know how I feel, I act as if nothing has changed. 1. My Husband Has Changed So Much Over Time And I'm Not Sure … I don’t like my husband.