SEAGULL TEST 4-DECK.pdf - Wrong answer summary... Radios have been used to save lives at sea since 1899 and included the manual transmission of morse code and radiotelephone. C. A coast station DSC MMSI number. Vessels employing Narrow Band Direct Printing (NBDP) as the Direct Printing Telegraphy (Telex) option for Sea Areas A3 and A4 will have to examine the MF/HF system for compliance. It should be checked at a frequency different from channel 16 (156.8 MHz). GMDSS. FCC Test 57 - Online Maritime Tests USCG Test regarding GMDSS - QUESTIONS If the vessel is beyond range of NAVTEX broadcasts and the Sat-C system fails, the GMDSS operator 095B must: a) Select 518 kHz ARQ TELEX on the MF/HF console to receive MSI b) Request repairs of the Sat-C system and wait until within range of NAVTEX c) Select an HF MSI frequency and FEC TELEX mode to . Communicate, via radiotelephone, with the coast station. If a vessel has been out of range of a similar station for over a week, a test call should be made on the first opportunity that the ship is in range. c) By the nearest Public Correspondence Coast Station. Each radio station for rescue equipment should be checked at least once a month to ensure its proper operation in the event of an emergency. NATURE: UNDESIGNATED POS: 12 34.5678N 123 45.6789E Send cancel msg. The Port State Control inspector after checking with the crew which coast station the test message was sent to, verified with the relevant MRCC and confirmed no MF/HF DSC test messages were received by the coast station. 참고로 중국 shanghai radio sttaion과 nbdp test하는 법을 설명함 (inmarsat-c의 pv test와 같이 접속이 되는지 작동여부를 확인하는 것이라고 이해하면 되고, a3 해역에서 운항하는. b) The Rescue Coordination Center is responsible for controlling the search. Permission for the voice test must be requested and received from the nearest public coast station. Non-Paired NBDP Channels (kHz) (c) Distress and calling. About maritime mobile service identity information Push any key: Go next step. Primary Duplicated Other Standard Type • • • • Hook off the handset. (SSB) and Radio telex (NBDP) modes between vessels . 3. Receive weather messages and send vessel weather OBS messages.