So, they broke me of my habit and I now say dinner. how to say good night in british slang - Matus Miglierini Usually cotton candy is pink or blue and kids buy it at fairs or amusement parks. “Goodnight” equals “good night”. They are alternate spellings of the same phrase. Some dictionaries list one, some the other and some both. So I wo... These are some of the most common bad English slang words. Brit Slang: British Slang in the Bedroom – Big List of 71 British ... moobs. Puff - If a Brit starts giggling in your local drugstore - it may be because they have just found a box of Puffs. But how about if there would be much more exciting and meaningful ways to say “goodnight”? Breakfast : the meal eaten first thing in the morning. All over the shop. Righto, It's British Slang, Mate Belisha Beacons – n – The yellow flashing lights at a pedestrian crossing in the UK but can also be used to refer to a women’s breasts. This is a phrase used to wish people a good night’s sleep. Well OK, just a few cheeky drinks.”. Sleep well! 10 of Our Favourite British Words and Slang | Merriam-Webster Explore this list of the most common ones to know. British Insults, Slang & Phrases: The Ultimate Guide “The party last night was amazing.” wanker. Let’s go and grab some nosh. The only slang term that I have seen, especially in the United States, is "nighty night". Slang Paper-pusher. Chin-wag: A chat or brief conversation. mate. 3. Cuppa … To take a chill pill /to chill out. how to say