How do I enable Auto Heat/Cool on my ecobee thermostat? While on this system mode, the ecobee will display two set points—one for heating and one for cooling. My new Ecobee thermostat is blowing hot air when on the cool… Using Ecobee with Single and Second-Stage Heat Pumps Most smart thermostats are compatible with heat pump systems. (Ecobee recommends set to disable if natural gas or oil is aux heat fuel, otherwise heat pump failure may occur)2) “Configure the compressor minimum outdoor temperature. Ensure that your Aux runtime is set to the right amount as well. Threshold settings for ecobee thermostats After taking the old thermostat off, check how many wires are coming out from there. The system is designed so that both can operate simultaneously. Ecobee The ecobee Energy Management System (EMS) is the newest technology designed for the commercial market. ecobee and other smart thermostats are compatible with many different devices.