There is something that you need to come clean or confess to a person. Dice Probability Calculator.. May 30, 2015 A … If you are being held in captivity, this may symbolize that someone or something is holding you back from reaching success. … Dream about being kidnapped and held captive is about your intuition or subconscious desire. Dream about being held captive and trying to escape signals a higher level of reasoning. You are terrified, and you … Dream about Being Held Captive - DreamAboutMeaning By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. If you dream of being held hostage, you may feel as if you are trapped in a situation with no way to escape. To dream of being kidnapped and escaping by running away from the kidnapper foretells hidden emotions. Being Kidnapped, Held Hostage or Abducted Dream … You are getting a handle on a problem. A situation is being passed around instead of properly dealt with. Answer (1 of 24): If you dream of being trapped, it means that you feel confined and restricted in a friendship, career or romantic relationship. Dream about being trapped and trying to escape (Fortunate ... You need to address some … This is where other dream symbols and events in the dream can give us some important clues about what the dream might be trying to tell us. To dream of being kidnapped and escaping by running away from the kidnapper foretells hidden emotions. You need to be cautious in affairs of the heart as they may be fleeting. Dream about being held captive and escaping - Dreams`opedia Share Tweet Stumble Upon Pin It +1 The meaning behind Captive Dreams .... captive Dream about being held captive and escaping Dream about Being Held Captive And Escaping is an indication for the emotions that you have repressed because you were afraid of confronting them. Being trapped in a dream very well might mean that you are trying to escape from your own feelings and have been avoiding them for too long. Your dream is suggesting that you may need to escape this situation. Stress is weighing you down and you feel like a vacation or some time off is highly necessary. dreams about being held captive and trying to escape Dream About Held Captive means an escape from your own personal issues and stresses. Dream about Being Taken Captive - DreamAboutMeaning Dream about Held Captive - DreamAboutMeaning You are ready to let go something. You have a tendency to ignore things until it is right in front of you. You are ready to explore aspects of your own. These people worked by capturing people and then threatening them or their loved ones into joining them. They worked hard to force you to become one of them, even trying to … Hi, I always dream of being held captive in different scenarios, always in different outdoor compounds and my captors are always people I know but aren’t that close with. If you had a dream about escaping in general, then this could mean that you are too overwhelmed with problems in your life and you just want to escape from everything and everyone. You are too trusting. Dream about hold on expresses passion and devotion. Recurring dreams of being held captive. Sometimes it is a sign of avoiding some stressful situations, or avoiding some repression.