Re: [WiX-users] bundle installed multiple times | WiX toolset The general approach is the following: Install the .NET Core hosting bundle and you are done. vintage printable wrapping paper - Wix is a framework for … For example : // Check if Acrobat is installed by reading variable. wix check if bundle is installed. To: wix-*** Shawinder Sekhon Full Stack Web Developer Surrey, BC, Canada. Installing Prerequisites Using WIX Bootstrapper Project and Other ... WiX toolset / Re: [WiX-users] bundle installed multiple times The first task when doing any kind of update or upgrade is to make sure we have the previous version we want to change. Thread: [WiX-users] bundle installed multiple times | WiX toolset Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wix Burn: Bundle condition does not work if using MBA. Creating an installer that does not suck is hard. wix - How to detect if app is installed based on upgrade code The second line is for light.exe, which is the WIX linker. Bookmark this question. FUEL FILTER. Visit our demo site to see different examples of Bundle and Connected Inventory products with instructional videos showing how to create them (in the product's description).