situation for Non-Degenerate Transportation problem, however here we are acquainting the new approach to get the optimality when the Transportation problem facing the , here in this paper, the algorithm tries to clarify the optimal solution of Degenerate Transportation Problem, or close to the optimal solution. B) 13. Step 3: Check for degeneracy In a standard transportation problem with m sources of supply and n demand destinations, the test of optimality of any feasible solution requ i res allocations in m + n - 1 independent cells. One serious problem of the stepping stone method is the degeneracy, that is too few basic cells in a feasible solution. 2. x3. If degeneracy exists, it is impossible to apply the stepping stone method and it is impossible to trace a closed path for one or more of the unoccupied cells or routes. Assignment Problems:SOLUTION OF AN ASSIGNMENT PROBLEM ; Queuing Theory:DEFINITION OF TERMS IN QUEUEING MODEL ; Queuing Theory:SINGLE-CHANNEL INFINITE-POPULATION MODEL ; Replacement Models:REPLACEMENT OF ITEMS WITH GRADUAL DETERIORATION .
Feasible Solution For The Transportation Problem To resolve degeneracy which occurs during optimality test, the quantity may be allocated to one or more cells which have become unoccupied recently to have m + n -1 member of occupied cells in the new solution. TRANSPORTATION PROBLEMS: METHODS FOR INITIAL BASIC FEASIBLE SOLUTION LEAST COST METHOD 1.
Degeneracy in transportation problems - ScienceDirect 1. If a solution to a transportation problem is degenerate,... ask 9 Here, approximate solutions to the multi-state Potts model are found using a physical Ising solver, networked degenerate optical parametric oscillators, repeatedly with learning processes. Because of the intractability of carrying out massive calculations in transportation problem solution procedure without a soft computing program, thirteen .