1. This means that the manuscript has been assigned to an editor and is waiting for the editor's acceptance. 发自小木虫IOS客户端. Editor Invited: This step is optional and may not occur in all journals. Acceptance decisions are taken by an academic editor (the Editor-in-Chief, a Guest Editor, or another suitable Editorial Board member). Accepted manuscripts are then copy-edited and English-edited internally. On Jul 31st we received our first round of reviews. . The editor-in-chief is primarily responsible for initial receipt of the manuscript and assignment to an associate editor. 'Wait until after the opposition has passed later on Wednesday before making a final decision on a pending matter.'. The Author is sent the decision. Editorial Process | Molecular Biology and Evolution - Oxford Academic Hi all. There will be some time between a manuscript entering the "Decision pending" queue and the contact author receiving the decision letter. Based upon what you've said it looks like you may receive an On-the-Record decision, and since the file is back at ODAR you probably should be hearing something soon. The process involves both the journal editors and external expert reviewers, who evaluate . At most, a manuscript can have a MaR and a MiR. Manuscript submission under review | Student Doctor Network To save the efforts of authors we only provide review reports after receiving all reports and making a decision. 'Completed - Accept'. However, each metric has its limitations so should never be considered in isolation. What happens to my manuscript after it's submitted? | Maine Desk LLC Sociologist e956 The peer review process is a fundamental part of research publishing. Peer review process | What is peer review | Editor Resources One file per question can be submitted. Submission Date, Decision Date, Assigned Editor Additional Information: This report does not contain draft manuscripts; it does contain manuscripts pending a decision. • Select Editor Malaysia still reviewing proposed cut in palm oil export tax ... The EIC (or even both, after a consultation) may have decided that your paper needs an additional review for some reason. Now a journal has accepted to review our paper, and here are the status of the paper: "Under review" 43 days "Ready for Decision" 6 days "Decision Pending" 13 Days This indicates those manuscripts that are currently with an editor until a final decision of reject or accept is rendered. 7. Editorial Process. This appears only if the Journal Insights page is live for the journal. Placing your cursor under the stage will give you the reasons claims can go back to previous. In Production Your article has been accepted and you will receive an email to confirm. These stages tend to be moved through fairly swiftly as they are just the editorial team checking that your submission is suitable for . Saudi ministry clarifies after report on pending decision to abolish ...