If you want to insert a specific record from old table to new table, then. CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db. For this type of problem we recommend that you post CREATE TABLE statements for your tables together with INSERT statements with sample data, enough to illustrate all angles of the problem. choice 2) create stage table in DB2, insert all rows into stage table. The "insert if not exists" challenge: a solution After the impasse, concurrent transactions will now read the pages containing the affected rows from the sys table. Creates a table with a structure like the result of the SELECT query, with the engine engine, and fills it with data from SELECT.Also you can explicitly specify columns description. CREATE TABLE MYTABLE (COL1 INT); CREATE INDEX MYINDEX ON MYTABLE (COL1); The CREATE TABLE statement defines a table at the current server. Create a table if not exists: The table is created if it does not exist. Indeed. Example: IF (MYTABLE exists) THEN. Ultimately I need to conditionally drop a temp table or truncate/delete data if it exists. You could refer below example and check whether it is helpful to you. drop table conditionally - DB2 Database Knex: create table if not exists · GitHub This example illustrates how to drop a unique index associated with a unique constraint.. First, create a new table named users that has a unique constraint on the email column: I tried this after DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE: SELECT * FROM QSYS2.SYSTABLES WHERE SYSTEM_TABLE_SCHEMA = 'QTEMP'; and it returned an empty result set. create table if not exists sql Code Example - Grepper Code. Db2 Subquery - DB2 Tutorial There can be other clauses after the ENGINE clause in the query. Db2 12 - Introduction - Creation of temporary tables - IBM Db2 DROP VIEW - DB2 Tutorial