it's VERY customizable but less eye candy than conky. As far as I know, conky has a single update_interval parameter which applies to all of the running .conkyrc file. save. The only other option would be to have your script kill and restart conky. Hallo das heutige Update auf conky 1.11.4-1 bringt conky zum Absturz, ein Downgrade auf conky 1.11.3-1 bringt Abhilfe. Zero makes Conky run forever update_interval seconds Update interval update_interval_on_battery seconds Update interval when running on batterypower uppercase Boolean value, if true, text is rendered in upper case use_spacer Adds spaces around certain objects to stop them from moving other things around. :verwirrt: X0rg am 12. Conky: Falsche Spitzenausgabe (momentaner vs. Intervalldurchschnitt) Erstellt am 18. Display package update information. This file contains Conky ‘s display settings which can be manipulated either manually with a text editor or the Conky manager. Some settings include font color, screen position, update interval and they are all in the configuration section of your configuration file. Conky update interval now very slow since upgrading to Ubuntu 20.10 Conky - A Full Guide sudo apt autoremove. I don't really know if this is an issue with Conky or with Ubuntu but I am trying to debug/ And when I edited the config file with conky running, it refreshed to update its appereance very soon.