Surveyor 1. Mare basalts contain information about the lunar mantle, and reflects the diversity of their source re-gions. The Planetary Society: …
LUNAR Publication Date. The robotic lunar probes Luna 9, Luna 13, Surveyor 1 and Surveyor 3 landed in Oceanus Procellarum. Luna 9 landed southwest of Galilaei crater in 1966. Luna 13 landed southeast of Seleucus crater, later in 1966. Surveyor 1 landed north of Flamsteed crater (within the larger Flamsteed P) in 1966, and Surveyor 3 landed in 1967.
Surveyor 1: Lunar Landing – For All Moonkind Moon Registry Mons Rümker, Norda parto de la Oceanus Procellarum.
Surveyor Lunar Science Conference, 2nd, Houston, Tex., January 11-14, 1971 ... Aboard the Atlas-Centaur rocket that morning in 1966 was Surveyor 1, the first in a series of robotic lunar landers designed to better quantify the lunar surface. The mission's objectives were to soft land on the Moon and collect information on the properties of the lunar regolith to prepare for the upcoming Apollo missions. Surveyor 1 war die erste Sonde der US-amerikanischen Raumfahrtagentur NASA im Rahmen des Surveyor-Programms.Das Surveyor-Programm war Nachfolger des Ranger-Programms.Die Ergebnisse des Programms sollten die erste bemannte Mondlandung vorbereiten. Successful lunar lander (USA) Launched: May 30, 1966 Surveyor 1 was the first spacecraft from the United States to perform a controlled landing on the surface of the Moon. Publication Date. Second, the two chemical types … The spacecraft reached the Moon about 63 hours after launch, landing on the lunar surface on June 2, 1966, in the southwest part of Oceanus Procellarum (the Ocean of Storms). Captured in this 2009 image from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, the first Surveyor still stands at its landing site, a speck in the … L'océan des Tempêtes, en latin Oceanus Procellarum, est une mer située à l'ouest de la face visible de la Lune.Son nom provient de la superstition selon laquelle le dernier quartier serait lié au mauvais temps. A glimpse of the far side had to wait until the Soviet Luna 3 spacecraft flew past the Moon on October 7 th, 1959 and returned the first blurry images.